Saturday, May 30, 2009


A clear winner has emerged in the Iraq War: insurance companies!

The Wars Come Home

Our government's failure to take care of its War Casualties and the lives left hanging in the balance.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury are often undiagnosed and untreated.

Leishmaniasis, often undiagnosed, is a dangerous blood borne parasite that can live in stored blood for up to 30 days and is transmitted sexually, congenitally, and by blood transfusion.

Hospital acquired infections were proliferated in the overburdened military evacuation system and some strains have grown to be completely resistant to every antimicrobial available.

These Superbug strains were spread from the military facilities, to the VA facilities, to community hospitals and long term care facilities all across the US and any country where a contractor or soldier was repatriated via the US military.

The winners in the battle for medical care, disability, and death benefits are the insurance companies like AIG and CNA who are paid by the taxpayer to insure the Contractors under the Defense Base Act.

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